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USA UK and Malta News
27/11/2007 - 22:53

Editoweb: UK today, 27 nov 2007

Labour will not accept Abrahams' donations - Paparazzo refuses to attend Diana inquest - Free debate 'will tackle extremism' - Amy Winehouse Cancels All Gigs And Told To Rest.

Labour will not accept Abrahams' donations
Labour will not accept donations made by a property developer through intermediaries, because they were not properly declared and were illegal, Gordon Brown said on Tuesday.
He told reporters he had known nothing about 600,000 pounds donated by David Abrahams and that the money would be returned. "The money was not lawfully declared so it will be returned," he said at his monthly news conference.

Paparazzo refuses to attend Diana inquest
One of the paparazzi who chased after Princess Diana's limousine on the night she died in a Paris car crash refused to attend the inquest into her death on Tuesday and said he was the target of defamatory lies.
Romuald Rat had been accused of seeking 300,000 pounds from The Sun for pictures of Diana slumped on the floor of the car's mangled wreckage.
French authorities had issued a summons for Rat to appear by videolink from Paris before the inquest in London into the deaths of Diana and her lover Dodi al-Fayed on August 31, 1997.

Free debate 'will tackle extremism'
Radical academics must be allowed to argue that suicide bombings are "justified" in the interests of free speech, the Government said.
Higher Education Minister Bill Rammell said the Oxford Union was right to stage a debate on Monday with BNP leader Nick Griffin and controversial historian David Irving.
While universities must tackle the genuine threat posed by violent extremists, the best way to address the problem is through free and open debate, he said.

Amy Winehouse Cancels All Gigs And Told To Rest
Troubled singer Amy Winehouse is cancelling the rest of her tour and all remaining public appearances this year over fears for her health. It comes after critics said that her performances had become increasingly erratic.
Doctors have now told the 24-year-old to rest. Explaining the decision, Winehouse cited emotional reasons for the cancellation, insisting she can no longer perform "without my (husband) Blake".

News from Yahoo news

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