USA UK and Malta News
25/07/2012 23:03

Malta news: drug package 'put away'

Malta news: drug package 'put away', Suspected drug package 'put away' for the weekend. The court this morning expressed its dismay at a procedure adopted by customs officers of not immediately dealing with issues of certain importance.

Suspected drug package 'put away' for the weekend. The court this morning expressed its dismay at a procedure adopted by customs officers of not immediately dealing with issues of certain importance. The court was hearing the case against Stefan Scicluna, 23, of Zejtun who is pleading not guilty to the importation of half a kilo of mephadrone. Magistrate Miriam Hayman heard several customs officers telling the court that a package containing 500 grammes of a greenish brownish substance suspected to be drugs or an illegal substance was kept locked up in an office drawer over the weekend because it was time for them to go home. Customs Inspector Carmel Attard said he received the package and was told it was suspected to contain an illegal substance but since it was 1.30 p.m. and he had finished work he decided to lock it up in his desk because he could not get through to the duty officer of the Drug Squad. Magistrate Hayman pointed out repeatedly that this should not have been the procedure adopted by customs officers and that the package should have been dealt with immediately. According to defence lawyer Joe Giglio, his client had ordered a paint additive from abroad and its ingredients included a substance which was on the controlled list. The envelope was addressed to his client and in no way did his client try to hide its importation, Dr Giglio said when requesting bail.( If the customs store was closed, it is certainly not a perfectly reaction but remains clear that I would have done.

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