USA UK and Malta News
25/05/2008 21:33

USA Today Editoweb 25 May 2008

Clinton speaks of faith in face of adversity - Obama urges Wesleyan grads to enter public service - Pastors pose problems for McCain and Obama.

Clinton speaks of faith in face of adversity

Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday offered a spiritual defense for continuing her presidential campaign despite the long odds of overtaking rival Barack Obama.

Obama urges Wesleyan grads to enter public service

Filling in for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and tying himself to the family's legacy, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama urged college graduates Sunday to "make us believe again" by dedicating themselves to public service.

Pastors pose problems for McCain and Obama

Republican Sen. John McCain and Democratic Sen. Barack Obama, both seeking to use religion to their advantage in the presidential campaign, have learned painful lessons about the risks of getting too close to religious leaders.

Today on the presidential campaign trail

In visit to Puerto Rico, Obama criticizes McCain for not supporting new GI Bill ... Obama picks up delegates in Georgia, Alaska and Wyoming; Clinton gains 1, loses 1 ... Former President Clinton says Hillary Clinton could still win nomination ...

Courts will have to decide his subpoena

President Bush's former chief political adviser denied meddling in the Justice Department's prosecution of Alabama's ex-governor and said Sunday the courts will have to resolve a congressional subpoena for his testimony.

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