USA UK and Malta News
25/07/2008 21:08

USA Today Editoweb 25 july 2008

McCain steps up criticism of Obama over Iraq - Obama urges Iran to accept EU nuke proposal - Israeli paper publishes Obama Western Wall prayer.

McCain steps up criticism of Obama over Iraq

Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Friday that Barack Obama's policies would have led to defeat in both Iraq and Afghanistan and possibly pushed the entire Middle East into war, stepping up his criticism of his Democratic rival.

Obama urges Iran to accept EU nuke proposal

Democrat Barack Obama said Friday that Iran should promptly accept an international call to freeze its uranium enrichment program, which some nations see as a potential step toward obtaining nuclear weapons, and not wait for the next U.S. president.

Israeli paper publishes Obama Western Wall prayer

A written prayer that Barack Obama left this week in the cracks of the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, asks God to guide him and guard his family, an Israeli newspaper reported Friday.

Bush expands sanctions against Zimbabwe

President Bush signed an executive order on Friday to expand sanctions against what he calls the "illegitimate" regime of Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe and his supporters.

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