USA UK and Malta News
06/07/2008 20:34

USA Today Editoweb 6 july 2008

Obama: Media response to Iraq remarks overblown - McCain's health plan: A threat to employer plans?
- Bush defends decisions on North Korea, Olympics.

McCain's health plan: A threat to employer plans?

There's a great unknown about Sen. John McCain's health plan: How many employers would drop insurance coverage for their workers because of his tax policies?

Obama: Media response to Iraq remarks overblown

Barack Obama celebrated "active faith" as an obligation of religious Americans and a chief agent of societal change while speaking Saturday to a nearly all-black roomful of churchgoers, but hoping to reach far beyond them.

Bush defends decisions on North Korea, Olympics

President Bush on Sunday defended removing North Korea from the list of state sponsors of terrorism and attending the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics as world leaders assembled to address soaring gas prices, climate change and African aid.

Bush celebrates 62nd birthday on the fly

Wedged between America's Independence Day and a summit of world leaders, President Bush's 62nd birthday got shortchanged this

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