USA UK and Malta News
25/01/2008 21:36

USA today Editoweb, 25 jan. 2008

Senate May Scuttle Bush-Backed House Plan on Stimulus - Fire breaks out at Vegas' Monte Carlo - Gandhi grandson leaves peace center - LA streets flooded, snow in mountains - Raids new blow to American museums.

Senate May Scuttle Bush-Backed House Plan on Stimulus (
The bipartisan agreement on an economic stimulus package reached by House leaders was immediately undermined by senators intent on ensuring that their ideas get a hearing before any bill becomes law.
Even before House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and the chamber's minority leader, John Boehner of Ohio, stood together yesterday on Capitol Hill to announce their agreement, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, a Montana Democrat, said he planned to introduce his own bill.

Fire breaks out at Vegas' Monte Carlo
A fire broke out Friday at the Monte Carlo hotel-casino, forcing guests and gamblers to evacuate and shooting plumes of black smoke above the Las Vegas Strip.
The fire, which was reported around 11 a.m., spread from the center section of the hotel across the roof before appearing to ease about an hour later. Fiery debris fell to the street below, and orange flames lapped at the casino's script sign.

Gandhi grandson leaves peace center
A relative of Mahatma Gandhi has resigned from a peace institute after drawing condemnation for comments he made in an online forum that Israel and Jews "are the biggest players" in a global culture of violence.
Arun Gandhi, the fifth grandson of the revered pacifist, said Friday the board of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence based at the University of Rochester had accepted his offer a day earlier to step down as president.

LA streets flooded, snow in mountains
Streets flooded, hillsides slipped and commuters cursed Friday during powerful rain and snow storms that lashed Southern California.
The morning commute was long, wet and — in some cases — treacherous. Traffic accidents doubled compared to the usual rush hour, California Highway Patrol Officer Miguel Luevano estimated.
No road deaths were reported on Los Angeles-area freeways.

Raids new blow to American museums
It's another public relations debacle for the nation's museum industry, already tarred by reports that top institutions knowingly dealt in looted Italian artifacts.
Federal agents raided several Southern California museums on Thursday, mostly in search of artifacts allegedly taken from Thailand's Ban Chiang archeological site, one of the most important prehistoric settlements ever discovered in Southeast Asia.

News from Yahoo news

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