Perspective Com
"WorldYouth News" le magazine de la Fédération Mondiale de la Jeunesse Démocratique (FMJD-WFDY)

Perspective communiste

Dans chaque magazine de la FMJD-WFDY, plusieurs organisations de jeunesse, de toutes les régions, ont l'occasion de partager leurs réflexions, leurs opinions et leurs analyses avec le mouvement anti-impérialiste international. Et ci dessous le dernier numéro (en anglais)

➡️The current situation in Cyprus
✏️EDON – Cyprus

➡️The international anti-imperialist struggle
✏️JCP – Portugal

➡️Between peace and war: a continent in dispute
✏️JUCO – Colombia

➡️The Current Policy of the National Reunification of Korea

➡️Education in the time of war
✏️SCYU KBY - Syria

➡️Pressure groups used as imperialist regime change agents
✏️SPYL - Namibia

➡️National Question in Sri Lanka
✏️SSU – Sri Lanka

➡️Brazil back to the past? What’s behind Bolsonaro phenomenon?
✏️UJS - Brazil

➡️Western Sahara: Full independence is the only solution to the last case of decolonization in Africa
✏️UJSARIO – Western Sahara

➡️Youth Communists and Social Transformation
✏️YFN - Nepal

➡️State of the country and the party
✏️ZANU PF YL – Zimbabwe

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