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02/05/2008 - 20:14

USA Today Editoweb 2 May 2008

Guam voters helping to pick Democratic nominee - Obama says Clinton, McCain wrong on gas taxes - Analysis: Momentum, Obama's distractions give Clinton hope.

Guam voters helping to pick Democratic nominee

Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama pitched improved health care and economic opportunity as they courted Guam voters from afar for the territory's Democratic presidential caucuses Saturday.

Obama says Clinton, McCain wrong on gas taxes

Sen. Barack Obama said Friday a summertime suspension of the federal gasoline tax could cost 6,000 jobs in next week's primary state of Indiana, and accused Hillary Rodham Clinton and John McCain of "reading from the same political playbook" by endorsing it.

Analysis: Momentum, Obama's distractions give Clinton hope

Hillary Rodham Clinton has an unmistakable bounce in her step these days — a sense of energy and optimism that somehow belies the daunting challenge she faces in wresting the Democratic presidential nomination from Barack Obama.

Today on the presidential campaign trail

Obama says Clinton, McCain reading from the same political playbook on gas taxes ... Clinton picks up Indianapolis Star endorsement

DNC coffers dry amid flood of Dem cash Politico

In an election year marked by jaw-dropping Democratic fundraising, one key political player isn't so flush: The Democratic National Committee.

Bush says economy is going to `come on.'

President Bush said Friday the slow growth of the economy is "not good enough for America," but new rebate checks will inject some life soon.

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